It's a dim, sleepy Monday morning
This too shall pass
I'm thankful for my job, but I don't love it
This too shall pass
It's almost lunch time, and I'm getting hungry
This too shall pass
Tonight I'll spend quality time with my son
This too shall pass
My daughter will play with her JV volleyball team
This too shall pass
Home late from the game, my wife will climb into bed,
and I'll put my arm around her
This too shall pass
If we speak of the day, I will highlight my victories
and hide my failures
This too shall pass
I may have been bombarded by temptation
any number of times today
This too shall pass
On some of these counts, and against my better will,
I most surely will have fallen
This too shall pass
From the Fall, I will have walked all day long with a limp
from the nerve damage in my leg
This too shall pass
Still, I can walk around just fine by myself
This too shall pass
Finally, body laid down to rest, I will drift off
in unconscious expectation of a new day to come
This too shall pass
But one night soon, my dimming eyes will shut
for the long, dark sleep of death
Beloved, this too shall pass
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away."
- Jesus, Matthew 24:35