Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ordinary Things

Today we had our second Missio Dei gathering. In case you are wondering what goes on in a house church gathering, I will tell you what happened today. We are still working out a few kinks, but it's like this:

We opened up at our house at noon for fellowship. Blake and Megan showed up soon after along with Monica and Gracie (they had spent the night off). We sat around and talked for a bit. Pretty soon, Brian came with his lunch, and Billy, Megan, and Gabe showed up with brownies for everyone. Just before 1:00, Collin and Julie entered. Worship began a few minutes after 1:00.

I started us off by reading a few verses from Psalm 25 before Billy and I led a couple of worship songs on guitar. After the songs we took turns sharing things that are going on in our lives this week. This led into a time of prayer. We pray communally, so rather than everyone saying prayer requests and then a single person leading a prayer, we all voice our requests in the prayer, each person praying as they feel led. Once someone has voiced their request, they say, "We pray to the Lord." Then we all say together, "Lord, hear our prayer." This is our way of joining one another in prayer.

After the prayer time, Collin brought our teaching for the week. (Collin and I alternate weeks with the teaching.) We are working through Genesis, and this week we were still discussing creation. Collin was pointing out how knowing that people are created in God's image should affect how we view and treat others. Here are a few of his points: 1) God lives in perfect community with Himself (Father, Son, and Spirit) so part of being created in the image of God means that every person is wired to need community. 2) Every person is a physical and spiritual being. God shaped the first man out of dust and then breathed (spirit) life into the man. Therefore, everything we do is spiritual. 3) We should see each person as someone of great worth because each person bears the image of God and was given life by God.

During the teaching, the children sat at the kitchen table and made people out of play-dough. After they finished, we had a short children's teaching based on Collin's message.

Next, we sang more songs followed by a brief discussion on what Collin taught.

After the service ended, some had to leave quickly while others stayed for a while. Billy, Noah, Monica, and I played a few games of basketball in the driveway. Katie and Megan stayed in the kitchen and talked. Gabe also learned to blow bubbles with Gracie's help.

It was a good day. House church is filled with many ordinary things: brownies, conversation, basketball, and bubbles. This is how it should be. Shared life is in the ordinary things. And, as we were reminded today, everything is spiritual.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying seeing the direction that our group is moving in. I have always had friends at the various churches I have attended over the years, but this seems so different for me.

    We share in each other's lives, and I feel a personal connection with everyone that is there... It is truly remarkable.

    Also, I like the observation about the ordinary things. Anything that combines brownies, conversation, basketball, and bubbles is something that I can be about.
